Select an existing landlord membership to join

Please search for your landlord organisation below, if it exists you can request access under their account.

Name Address Action
Brentwood B C Town Hall, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 8AY Join group
Brighter Places Eden House, Eastgate Office Park, Bristol,, Avon, BS5 6XX Join group
Brighton & Hove City Council Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 3BQ Join group
Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes Unit F, Hove Technology Centre, St Joseph’s Close, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 7ES Join group
Bristol City Council The Strategic Planning Team, 100 Temple Street, Bristol, Somerset, BS1 6AG Join group
Broadacres HA Broadacres House , Mount View, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL6 2YD Join group
Broadland Housing Association NCFC The Jarrold Stand , Carrow Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1HU Join group
Bromford Housing Association Limited Shannon Way, Ashchurch, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 8ND Join group
Broxtowe Borough Council Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB Join group
Brunelcare Saffron Gardens, Prospect Place, Bristol, Avon, BS5 9FF Join group

Can't find your Landlord but want the benefits of a Tpas membership...

If you want to be a Registered Tenant please contact our membership team to discuss which package is right for you.

Lisa Holt - Membership & Events Coordinator
T: 0161 868 3500

Can't find your Landlord and don't want the benefits of a Tpas membership, but you would like to register and be added to the mailing list...

No problem, simply register as a basic user and we'll keep you informed. You can join your landlord at a later date.
