Golden Nuggets – (Not the edible kind!) My key takeaways from the Scrutiny Conference
Wednesday 30th of October 2024

I collect Golden Nuggets wherever I go, whether it’s learning new things; good practice, new ideas or innovation, or having a chat that really sparks your imagination.
On 16th October, I attended our Tpas Scrutiny Conference and greeted by well over 150 scrutineers. It was so inspiring, and some people had been involved in many years of the journey to improvement, whilst others were just dipping their toes into the scrutiny pool.
To be a part of this exclusive club even just briefly was so exciting. The words evidence; recommendations; gathering views; scoping diverse voices and trust were frequently heard and talked about.
I delivered a workshop on the new Tpas Scrutiny Assured Quality Mark with Sam Fagg from Southern Housing who had achieved the Quality Mark. Participants wanted to know more and asked really searching questions, as I would expect.
The whole event was buzzing and inspirational and I took away lots of Golden Nuggets, especially from Jack Smith of the Social Housing Regulator who said about consumer gradings:
“You cannot cut and paste a C1 grading”.
If you attended, did you collect any?
For further information on the Tpas Scrutiny Assured Quality Mark or how we can support you on all aspects of scrutiny, please contact
Gillian Mclaren – Tpas National Consultancy Manager