How to keep volunteers happy
Wednesday 25th of January 2017

I've applied my experience of training hundreds of volunteers across the country to create these essential tips for keeping volunteers happy.
This is not an exhaustive list, there's lots more that can help. If you think of any more why not tweet me @TpasVal to add to the list?
1 Attract your volunteers in the same way you recruit your staff. Clear roles, clear expectations. Be sure you match the right person to the right role. Tell them how the role benefits the organisation and how it can benefit them. This isn't one size fits all, some volunteers may want reference and work experience, others to meet new people or use skills they already have.
2 Provide an induction to the organisation, to their new role and how this it fits within the organisation. Assess training needs and supply the training they need to carry out heir role. Provide a mentor or buddy who can answer questions and provider support.
3 Allow social time for volunteers to meet each other and get to know each other. Facilitate opportunities for them to mix, learn about each others skills and experiences and grow as a team.
4 Show volunteers how they are helping to make a difference and that their voluntary time is appreciated. Celebrate success together.
Download our 9 steps to valuing volunteers