Hull City Council Housing Academy
Monday 18th of February 2019

Hull City Council are doing some very exciting things right now with their Housing Academy. We asked Andy Stamp, Hull City Council Tenant Participation Officer to tell us more.
It was a busy end of 2018 for me as I have just finished delivering our Housing Academy course to 40 tenants and residents.
In Hull we are very committed to helping our tenants understand how Housing operates within the council, how it affects them and how they can engage with the various service areas.
This year was my first time running the Housing Academy. Other colleagues have run a total of 16 courses from which 216 graduates passed through the academy……….no pressure then!!!!!
The Academy is a 14-week, two hours per session course. The sessions are led by senior managers from the council’s housing, finance, legal, and waste management services, and our partner Hull Citizens Advice.
The Academy is open to anyone - tenant or resident – who lives in Hull, Subjects we cover range from housing law and antisocial behaviour, to equalities and customer service. Students don’t have to study the complete course if they don’t want to, they can opt for modules that specifically interest them. However, the 2018 Academy saw a record 29 students complete the full course.
We promote the Academy at all our involvement activities, and we never have a shortage of students. We also promote it through and the usual channels such as posters, leaflets and word of mouth and social media to extend our reach, particularly to those whose voices are seldom heard.
It’s always really great when you hear good news as a direct result of the Academy. Helen Fitzpatrick, an Academy graduate, was recently appointed a Tenancy Assistant with the Council and she said: “I’ve gained so much through being involved with tenant activities in Hull and the knowledge and training gained through the Housing Academy has played a big part in helping me get this job.” Well done and thanks Helen!
This year we are breaking new ground with the Housing Academy. We are taking it to foundation year students at the city’s Wilberforce College. It will give students an insight into what policies and procedures there are within different services and, importantly an understanding on how social housing works. I’m hoping that as a spin off some of the students will get involved with our general tenant involvement activities.
Also, I’m planning on developing a Housing Academy App so that our tenants can complete the Housing Academy whenever and wherever they want.