Community engagement
We can help to use a range of methods for effective wider community engagement.
First of all, what do we mean by ‘Tenant engagement’ and Community engagement? We define Tenant engagement as being about working with tenants to co-produce effective services that meet a variety of needs; for example building in accountability through communication, monitoring and scrutiny. It's about empowering tenants, residents and communities to work with your organisation to achieve shared aims.
We believe Community engagement is about working with communities to address the issues they feel are a priority; for example empowering and supporting communities to develop their capacity to tackle issues they face; addressing issues that are wider than just ‘housing’.
Download our 'Community Engagement' standard guidance
We can help you
Work with your wider community partners to develop and deliver community engagement programmes which bring lasting change to communities
Apply our expertise and experience in getting resources and support to where it is most needed
Leverage the power of our networks to identify potential grant programmes and new community partners
Train your tenants and community groups on core skills such as digital engagement, chairing and scrutiny.
Get in touch to explore how we can help you
Our community engagement opportunities and knowledge
Upcoming training and events
- Resident Engagement & Building Safety -
- #InvolvementWeek24 - Service Influencers Good Practice Session
- #InvolvementWeek24 - Successful Community Engagement Session
- #InvolvementWeek24 - Discussion Session: Tenant Involvement in the world of Governance
Latest news
- Growing Buddies – an engagement tool kit for housing associations and their tenants
- Play Network Conference: A Day for Pro-Play Housing Providers and Advocates - 6 September 2023
- Asset-Based Community Development training with Nurture Development- Starts Sept 2023
- Celebrate your Engagement Heroes with the Tpas Volunteer Recognition Scheme