Become one of the Silver Voices
Tuesday 8th of January 2019

We are pleased to annouce that Tpas members have been offered free membership to the Organisation Silver Voices until 31st December 2019.
Here is some information about the work they do.
Silver Voices is the only independent, individual membership, organisation for senior citizens in the UK. With over 1200 members, join if you want to campaign for a fairer society and to prevent the Welfare State from being dismantled.
Silver Voices provides a web-based platform for national and local campaigning. Their priorities are determined by their membership, currently including the health and social care crisis, dementia and retirement housing.
Silver Voices provides members with regular briefings on policy issues affecting senior citizens, prepared by a team of policy experts and the opportunity to contribute their own experiences and reflections. Members can also take part in internet activities such as petitions, surveys and e-mail campaigns
Silver Voices is non-profit-making and not affiliated to any political party
How to join:
Visit the Silver Voices website.
When completing all your details, insert the code TPAS2019 to the city/county of residence box.
Free membership until the 31st December 2019.