Energy Plus Academy Think Tank on Retrofit Skills
Wednesday 19th of January 2022

The Energy Plus Academy, from the LSE, will be hosting a 24-hour Think Tank at the Trafford Hall, Chester, from 28th February - 1st March 2022.
This workshop, sponsored by Regenda Housing Group, will bring together energy saving experts, architects, training providers, construction companies, and social landlords, to discuss how retrofit can and must be done, and how we can tackle the skills, capacity, and knowledge and information gaps.
This participatory, knowledge exchange event will allow participants to learn from experts how we can deliver retrofit in social housing, share their experiences, and develop practical solutions to take back to their organisation. It will also give experts and training providers an opportunity to understand what the sector needs in order to upskill the workforce, to deliver on the energy saving agenda.
The letter of invitation is here, and you can find the programme for the event here.