Hull CC Tenant Forum Committee Embrace the New Normal
Tuesday 16th of June 2020

Hull City Council Tenant’s forum committee held an unofficial virtual meeting recently to help them get ready for the new normal as most organisations are using virtual platforms to host their meetings on.
The tenants were assisted in setting up a Whatsapp video call and to have a meeting by themselves to get used to the digital format before meetings with officers and other members take place.
Sherilee Jepmond, a tenant participation officer with Hull CC said, “Feedback from the committee members it that they enjoyed it, the discussion was lively as usual and they have some discussion point for when the chair and vice meet with Dave Richmond Assistant Director of neighbourhoods and Housing and have an official committee meeting.”
The committee have said that they will have another unofficial meeting to get them used to how this is going to work for the foreseeable future.
Chair of the tenant committee Nev Allison and Vice Chair Ann Reekie have both been attending virtual sessions during the lockdown. Ann is on the committee for the “See the Person” program so has attended several Zoom meetings allowing her to help other committee members get to grips with the software and Nev contributed to the 1st TPAS digital roundtable.
Sherilee continued, “As a team we are currently assess the IT equipment and skills that the volunteers will require to be involved. We are starting with the TARAs who can update their wider community’s. All though the volunteers are trying their best to embrace this way of working they are all eager to get back to meeting up having a chat and a cuppa and putting the worlds to rights.”