Housing Ombudsman: Second annual landlord and resident panel surveys launched
Friday 5th of August 2022

The Housing Ombudsman Service has launched their second annual surveys of landlords and resident panel members to gather insight into landlords’ complaint handling including how they share learning from complaints.
The Housing Ombudsman Service's 600 resident panel members have been invited to participate in the annual survey and give their views on their landlord’s complaint handling and how it promotes its complaints process including signposting residents to their service.
It also asks about resident involvement in their landlord’s self-assessment against the Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code and how landlords share learning with residents.
In this year’s landlord survey, The Housing Ombudsman Service are asking for feedback on the impact of their most recent Spotlight reports which focused on damp and mould and managing agents. The survey also features questions on demonstrating learning from complaints, how and when landlords tell residents about our service and their self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code.
The landlord survey is open to all member landlords and responses are welcome from people in different roles across the organisation or it can be a single collective response. The survey closes on 26 August 2022.