Free Webinar: Introducing Behavioural Insight


At Tpas we’ve been experiencing more and more demand from members asking to find out more about the fascinating topic of Behavioural Insights, and how it could be used to enhance engagement and involvement.

Behavioural insights have delivered significant impacts against a wide range of organisational challenges, in social housing and beyond.

This webinar offers a free introduction to how it can be applied to tenant engagement with the convience of learning at home or at your desk. 

 Our partner organisation Collaborative Change ran a workshop on behaviouaral principles at our conference this year and we had really great feedback from everyone who attended.

We want to give you an overview of the key theories and concepts behind Behavioural Insights, bust the myths attached to some of the theories surrounding the practice and introduce you to some good practice examples that you could explore further.  

What the webinar will cover


The webinar will introduce:

  • What is the theory of ‘Behavioural Insight’ and how does it work?
  • How can it be applied to transforming services and lead to increase numbers and diversity of engaged and involved tenants.
  • Understanding how people really behave (rather than how we think they behave)
  • Examples of behavioural insight in practice and how it’s been used to increase the engagement and involvement of tenants.

Why you should join us


The webinar is for anyone with an interest in engagement and involvement, or simply an interest in Behavioural Insights. Attending will give you real food for thought about what need to change to achieve sustainable engagement and involvement.


How do i join the webinar?


We will be delivering this free webinar on a system hosted by 'Go 2 Meeting'. In advance of the webinar you will be sent a unique url to join the event before it begins. In the meantime, please watch the video below to ensure you are able to join us. 



Fri 19th Oct 2018, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Event URL:


Free Webinar Place
Membership Staff Tenant
This event is members only.

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