The Changing World of Scrutiny

Join us at this unique learning and networking event, arranged in consultation with organisations to highlight innovation and share what works and develop your scrutiny for the future.

The event will give you the opportunity to:

  • hear what others around the country are doing to future proof their scrutiny and ensure value for money
  • explore how digital innovation and the use of customer insight can improve your approach
  • consider what will work for you in attracting and support people to be involved in scrutiny and related tenant engagement activities
  • develop flexibility through digital, face to face, arms length and task and finish scrutiny
  • adopt methods that demonstrate the value of your scrutiny
  • develop a plan for change to implement after the event
  • further develop your network and links

Other Date: 26 March 2019 - Huntingdon

Draft Programme (may be subject to change)

From 10 arrivals and refreshments

10.30 Introduction - Where is scrutiny now? How can we develop a modern future proof approach?

11.00 The Changing World of Scrutiny case studies – find what are others doing, why and how they are doing it.

11:30am  Break

Case studies and presentations: Incorporating links to insight, digital, face to face, arms length and task and finish approaches.

12.30 Lunch and networking

1.15  Interactive Scrutiny Lounge type session.Questions to be generated from the participants plus:

What’s in it for the volunteers? Recruitment and retention - all forms of scrutiny.

What’s in it for organisations? Evaluating impact and value for money.

2.40 Summing up and creating our scrutiny improvement plan and evaluation

3.00 Session ends



Fri 15th Feb 2019, 10:00am - 3:30pm

Venue Details

North West Leicestershire District Council

Whitwick Road, ., Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3FJ


The Changing World of Scrutiny Event - 150218 - Leicester
Membership Staff Tenant
Members £99.00 £55.00
Non-Members £135.00 £75.00

Event Contact

Name: Helen Phillips


Phone: 0161 868 3500

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