Webinar: Dealing With Complaints During COVID-19

Delivered by David Simmons and John Goodwin, members of the Sector Development & Engagement team at the Housing Ombudsman Service, this free for members webinar offers a unique overview and insight into complaints during the COVID-19 crisis.

The session will

  • Explain how the Housing Ombudsman Service has responded to the crisis
  • Examine what landlords across the country have done to deal with complaints
  • Highlight what best practice looks like in relation to complaints, repairs and anti-social behaviour
  • Explore the challenges ahead

How do I join the webinar?

We will be delivering this webinar on a system hosted by 'Go 2 Meeting'. In advance of the webinar, you will be sent a unique URL to join the event before it begins. In the meantime, please watch the video below to ensure you are able to join us. 


Wed 3rd Jun 2020, 10:00am - 11:30am

Event URL:



Webinar: Dealing With Complaints During COVID-19
Membership Staff Tenant
Non-Members £15.00 £15.00

Event Contact

Name: Helen Phillips

Email: helen.phillips@tpas.org.uk

Phone: 0161 868 3522

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