Webinar: Tenant Scrutiny: Working In The New Normal

How can scrutiny make a difference during and after the coronavirus pandemic?

The aim of this session is to help tenants and staff involved in scrutiny to think about how they can still make a difference during and after the current pandemic.

The Webinar will be delivered by Dr Dave McKenna

While the principles of effective scrutiny remain the same, continued social distancing and the lockdown mean that things will probably never be the same again. For scrutiny this will mean dealing with new challenges and working in very different ways. This webinar, therefore, will provide an opportunity to think about what’s already working well and hopefully inspire some ideas for new things to try.

The main content of the presentation will be examples from tenant scrutiny alongside examples from national and local government scrutiny.


Mon 15th Jun 2020, 10:30am - 12:00pm

Event URL:



Webinar: Tenant Scrutiny: Working In The New Normal
Membership Staff Tenant
Members £50.00 £50.00
Non-Members £100.00 £100.00

Event Contact

Name: Helen Phillips

Email: helen.phillips@tpas.org.uk

Phone: 01618683522

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