#ScrutinyWeek - Successful Scrutiny for Council Tenants Webinar

This webinar shares with you the findings of a brand new scrutiny research paper compiled by Scrutiny Guru Dr Dave Mckenna. If you’re involved in local authority scrutiny then you really don’t want to miss this.

How do I join the webinar?

We will be delivering this webinar on a system hosted by 'Go 2 Meeting'. In advance of the webinar, you will be sent a unique URL to join the event before it begins. In the meantime, please watch the video below to ensure you are able to join us. 


Wed 29th Jul 2020, 10:00am - 11:30am

Event URL:



#ScrutinyWeek - Successful Scrutiny for Council Tenants Webinar
Membership Staff Tenant
Non-Members FREE FREE

Event Contact

Name: Lisa Holt

Email: lisa.holt@tpas.org.uk

Phone: 01618683500

Book Tickets

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