Online AGMs During Social Distancing: Corporate Insolvency & Government Act 2020: Temporary Legislation

The UK Government recently introduced legislation, Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, which includes an update in relation to voting at AGMs, EGMs and other meetings.

This part of the legislation gives organisations the temporary right to undertake these democratic processes entirely in a virtual manner, making use of online meeting and voting systems. This webinar provides an overview of the temporary legislation and its impact on running meetings.

This webinar is delivered by Andy Tye, General Manager at UK Engage.

How do I join the webinar?

We will be delivering this webinar on a system hosted by 'Go 2 Meeting'. In advance of the webinar, you will be sent a unique URL to join the event before it begins. In the meantime, please watch the video below to ensure you are able to join us. 


Thu 3rd Sep 2020, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Event URL:


Online AGMs During Social Distancing: Corporate Insolvency & Government Act 2020: Temporary Legislation
Membership Staff Tenant
Non-Members £15.00 £15.00

Event Contact

Name: Helen Phillips


Phone: 0161 868 3500

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