Show the Value of Your Tenant Involvement
This in-house course shows you how to create value through tenant involvement and community initiatives and then measure and report on your achievements.
It is aimed at those who plan and deliver tenant involvement and community initiatives.
Course Content
- Defining 'value' and 'social value'
- The difference between output and outcome measures
- Linking to your organisations business objectives
- Using planning techniques to ensure outcomes
- Agreeing what and when to measure
- Applying techniques in your own role
- Linking social value and value for money assessments
- Using evidence to make the business case for your work
- Publicising your achievements
By Completing This Course You Will
Be able to plan to create value, measure your progress, evaluate and report on the value created through your work.
Contact us to discuss your exact in-house training needs.
On-demand: At a time to suit you.
Tpas Training Team 868 3520