Supporting and Developing Tenant Scrutiny
Do you or are you planning to support tenants in carrying out scrutiny? Whether you are experienced and what to check how you are doing or new to the role and want some clarity on what it involves this course is for you.
Other Dates
Further Details
Scrutiny is well established and performing well in many organisations but it only takes a change to the group, a change of staff, a restructure or budget cuts and it can begin to run into challenging times. This course addresses the issues you may face in developing and sustaining effective tenant scrutiny in the current environment. It's not about prescribing exactly how you carry out the scrutiny - there are many ways that work, but understanding the context and getting the basics right will contribute to successful outcomes.
Course Content
- Explore what successful scrutiny looks like
- Look at a range of models and approaches
- Assess the best way to get buy in from tenants, staff and governance
- See how your approach measures up to our Quality Assured Scrutiny standards
- Look at recruitment and retention for the group/project
- Examine how to build and support a performing team
- Explore the training and support required by scrutiny group members
- Develop approaches to empower and deliver tenant led scrutiny
- Tips for effective well planned scrutiny projects with clear outcomes
The course is suitable for staff whose role involves developing and supporting scrutiny within the organisation.
Benefits of Attending the Course
You will feel more confident to develop and support scrutiny and be able to show that your scrutiny arrangements are evidence based, achieve measurable outcomes and offer value for money.
Need to train
a group of people?
in-house could work out more cost effective
Wed 24th Aug 2016, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Venue Details
City Centre, Ipswich, Suffolk, .
Event Contact
Name: Tpas Training Team
Phone: 0161 868 3520
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