Crumbs of Comfort - The Eastbourne Experience (Free for Tpas Members)

This session will look at Eastbourne Borough Council's experience of engaging in the Regulator of Social Housing's Consumer Regulation Testing Pilot including how they prepared, what was involved and how it will inform their onward approach.

Join Richard Tomkinson, Customer Experience & Performance Lead at Lewes District & Eastbourne Borough Councils who will take you through this webinar and chat about Eastbourne's experience.

Richard's experience comes from 27 years working with housing and management, performance improvement, regeneration engagement, resident involvement and community investment.

In 2018 following a number of years as an independent consultant, including 13 years as a Tpas Training & Consultancy Associate, Richard joined his home local authority as a Project Implementation Lead (picking up all the stuff that others didn't have time to do!).

Following the publication of The Charter for Social Housing Residents, Richard undertook service realignment and established the Customer Experience Team to address existing service challenges and to future-proof the organisation for what was to come. The Team now delivers a range of core services (Complaint Handling, Resident Involvement, Systems Administration and User-Training, Performance Management) as well as providing a wider business support role for service improvement.



Wed 25th Oct 2023, 10:30am - 12:00pm

Event URL:


Crumbs of Comfort - The Eastbourne Experience
Membership Staff Tenant
Non-Members £25.00 £25.00

Event Contact

Name: Helen Phillips


Phone: 0161 868 3500

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