National Tenants Conference 2024

"We Got New Rules!"

This year has brought the most significant change to the regulation of social housing in a decade! 

To mark this ground-breaking moment, this year’s National Tenants Conference is spotlighting the "new rules" with our Regulatory Reform Conference Special.

Here's what's on offer: 

Day One - Opening Speaker Panel

Hear from an arrray of speakers as they share their perspective on new regulatory framework, exploring whether it will deliver true service transformation for tenants or will be just more box ticking. They will examine the possibilities, navigate the potential outcomes and envision the hope for lasting change. 

Day Two - Exclusive Conference Q & A with Richard Blakeway

Richard who will provide an update on the current work being done at the Housing Ombudsman and what tenants can expect going forward. He will also take questions from the floor.

Panel and Workshops sessions

Day One

A2 - Getting to grips with performance information - Sam Goodwin

With the regulator committed to making it easier for tenants to access performance information and data becoming pivotal through tenant satisfaction measures, this session is your essential guide. Learn how to leverage your landlord's performance information to enhance accountability, service delivery, and scrutiny. 

A3 - Resolving conflict - Jackie Grannell

If you’re looking to navigate and resolve conflicts effectively, whether in personal interactions or within an engagement setting, this session is for you. Learn valuable tips and techniques to achieve positive outcomes and foster harmonious relationships and reach a positive solution.

A4 - Maximise the influence! How to get more tenants involved - Emma Gilpin and MSV Housing Group

We often hear involved tenants and staff commenting how hard it can be to get others involved and engaged.  Well, if you are one of them, fear not, as help is at hand with this dynamic session.  We will share tips and techniques designed to reach out to other tenants and maybe ignite their passion for tenant involvement too!  Hear from MSV on their recent successful recruitment to their customer panels.

A5 - Top 10 things tenants need to know about the tenant satisfaction measures - Clare Powell

The Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard requires all providers to collect and report annually on their performance using a core set of defined measures, known as Tenant Satisfaction Measures. Our top tips will put you in the know, ensuring you can use this data effectively to hold your landlord to account.  

A6 - The role of scrutiny in the new regulatory world - Caritas Charles

No doubt scrutiny has a huge part to play in this new era so this session unpicks what that might look like, and how scrutiny can grow and develop to fulfil its new role.  

B1 Panel Session: Engagement, diversity and inclusion. Is there really a seat at the table for everyone?

Ensuring that all tenants have a genuine opportunity to influence their landlords is essential if we are to have meaningful and impactful engagement. Yet, evidence suggests that tenant influence isn't anywhere near as inclusive, representative or diverse as it ought to be. Tpas Associate Kai Jackson, who has been researching this issue in relation to ethnic minorities, will lead this panel session alongside sector experts, as it explores why some tenants might be excluded from formal engagement and examines what we can all do to foster a more inclusive environment. 

B2 - Skills for tenants involved in Governance and Boards - Andy Fry

Explore the importance of tenant involvement in governance.  Understand what this role entails, the challenges and rewards, and the tools you need to ensure tenants hold organisations accountable at the highest level, whether on the Board, sub-committees, or key tenant panels.  Hear too about the latest thoughts from our Collaborative research on resident influence in governance - hot off the press!

B3 - Chairing Skills - Tonia Punter

Ready to take the helm and lead with flair? Whether you're a seasoned chair, a newbie, or just curious, this session is your ticket to mastering the art of chairing. Gain the skills to command the room, run efficient meetings, and become the chairperson everyone admires. 

B4 - Regulating the standards - what’s the story? - Jack Smith, Regulator of Social Housing

In this session you will hear directly from the Regulator for Social Housing as they take you through how the new framework will be implemented and overseen.  What have they seen so far and what more can we expect from the Regulator in the future as they work alongside other sector stakeholders.

B5 - Complaint Handling - Caritas Charles

The sector has done much work on this area but still more to learn.  What are the impactions of the Housing Ombudsman's new Complaints Handling Code?  And what should we all be taking as learning from their recent spotlight reports. 

B6 - Making engagement work locally - Gill McLaren and Hull CC

A focus on local engagement can provide rich insight for an organisation. Block Champions, street reps and much more. Hear how Hull CC link all this together alongside their new digital strategy. This session will explore too how this approach links to the Tpas national engagement standards. A real policy into practice session from staff and tenants at Hull. 

Day Two

C1 Panel Session: Inspections under the microscope - Watford Community Housing Group, Southern Housing, Dacorum Council

Curious about the tenant and staff experience during regulatory inspections? Wondering how it’s all played out so far? Well, you're in luck! This session is tailor-made for you. We're bringing together staff and tenants from different organisations who have already undergone inspections, to give you a firsthand, unique insight into their experience. So, if you want to be in the know when it comes to inspections, this is the place to be. 

C2 -  Social media and digital engagement – Hough Bellis

Step into the digital age with confidence! Social media and options for digital engagement is everywhere, but do you know how to make it your ally? Join digital experts Hough Bellis, to unlock the secrets of social media mastery and transform your online engagement into a powerhouse of connectivity and influence. 

C3 - The art of saying no - avoiding burnout as an involved tenant - Sam Goodwin

Being an involved tenant is incredibly rewarding, but it can also be draining. Don't let burnout dim your passion! Join us for an energising session where you'll learn powerful techniques to stay vibrant, focused, and effective in your role without sacrificing your well-being. 

C4 - What do tenants want from housing staff of the future? Rachael Williamson and Venetia Knight, CiH

Let's talk about the proposed Competency and Conduct standard. Does it go far enough or does it pose any risks for the sector? What do tenants really want from staff today and in the future. An information and discussion session on this hot topic  

C5 - Procurement and people - Mathew Baxter, Echelon

The new Procurement act will have big implications for landlords and therefore tenants. Let Mathew bring you up to speed. And join him for a wider discussion on what constitutes “vulnerability” – a phrase we hear a lot in housing. How we can capture vulnerabilities and ensure we are aware and doing more. Drawing on recent Housing Ombudsman reports on this issue this will be a thought provoking workshop.

C6 - Resident influence in Building Safety - Andy Fry and Julie Butterworth

We know that many providers have moved to ensure that tenants are at the heart of their building safety work but what does this look like and what progress has been made? This session will cover some of the key information as well as sharing with you the insight from Tpas’s own Building safety collaboration project.  

D1 Panel Session: Social Housing Tenants - Challenging the Misconceptions

Why does society continue to view social housing tenants as a problem? Despite Grenfell and the loss of Awaab Ishak, the stigma and stereotypes persist, impacting the lives of tenants. In this session, campaign groups, academics, and tenants unite to dissect the complex issues at play. Together, they'll explore solutions to shift the narrative towards viewing social housing as part of the solution to the housing crisis and recognising social housing tenants as valuable assets to society. It's time to challenge misconceptions and foster a more inclusive perspective. 

D2 - Practical skills for involved tenants - Tonia Punter

Involved tenants need a diverse set of skills, from researching and presenting to interviewing and auditing! This fast-paced session will equip you with some of the key essentials to fulfil your role successfully and confidently.       

D3 - Successful Team Working - Jackie Grannell

Great teams don’t just “happen”—they’re crafted through effort, self-awareness, and dedication. Join our session to discover how you can harness your skills and strengths to build a cohesive, productive team that excels at getting things done! 

D4 - New Rules – what does this mean for Councils and ALMO's  - Clare Powell

The changes in regulation have put Councils under the spotlight in terms of meeting standards and showing compliance. This session will therefore explore this in more detail as well as drawing on information from the recently published Tpas document - Tenant Involvement for Local Authority Landlords in light of changes to Consumer Regulation. 

D5 - Embedding engagement across your organisation - getting the culture right - Emma Gilpin and Bpha

How do we get engagement to be part of everyone's role for staff?  And what do we need to be doing - staff and tenants, to drive meaningful culture change at our organisations.  A practical session on how Bpha are tackling this issue and ideas from Emma from the many organisations she works with.  Watch excerpts from the new training video Tpas and Bpha have produced to embed an engagement mindset from the get go.

D6 - Rethinking Repairs and Maintenance (RERAM) - James Prestwich, CiH

The RERAM project has developed good practice guidance, case studies and twelve guiding principles for how social landlords should work with their residents and colleagues to improve their repairs and maintenance services. Hear more about them and add your thoughts to the discussion on what more we need to get right in this key priority area for tenants.   

 Conference Running Order

 Wednesday 10th July 2024 



Delegate Registration 



Welcome, Housekeeping and Conference Overview from Tpas CEO, Jenny Osbourne MBE



Opening session speaker panel



Lunch: Networking & Exhibition 



Workshop Session A 



Refreshment Break: Networking & Exhibition 



Workshop Session B 



Evening Meal & Entertainment 

Thursday 11th July 2024 



Networking & Exhibition 



Conference Q&A with Richard Blakeway



Refreshment Break: Networking & Exhibition 



Workshop Session C 



Lunch: Networking & Exhibition 



Workshop Session D 



Closing Session 

On Wednesday 10th July, there is a 3 course sit down meal included in the price of the conference. There will be fun and entertainment during the evening. 

ALSO BRAND NEW FOR 2024The Tpas Fringe.

Fringe Programme

Weds 9.00am – 10.15am The Spotlight Session

Why not kick off your morning with a cuppa and an inspiring chat as we sit down with the people involved in Garden Organic, Big Lunch, and Stop the Stigma. Discover their missions, motivations, and how you can get involved. It’s the perfect way to start your day with a dose of inspiration.

Thurs 8.45am - 9.45am The Showcase Session

Discover what others are doing and uncover best practices you can adopt and apply in your organisation too with our showcase session. Whether it’s securing a crucial service improvement, launching a transformative community project, or celebrating an engagement achievement they are proud of, these stories will definitely inspire and inform.

Price for two days plus evening meal and entertainment 

2 day member only special rate - £485 

2 day non member rate - £635 

The 2 day carer cost is £290 - please contact us to book. 

All ticket costs are subject to VAT

Hotel Information 

As of 13th June, the venue hotel is fully booked on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July.  Please see details below on other hotels that are local to the conference venue.

There is plenty of free parking at the hotel (You will need to validate your parking ticket on arrival).

The hotel is approx. 20 minutes drive from Coventry town centre and train station. A taxi will cost approx. £15.

The Double Tree Hilton has some fabulous leisure facilities for you to take advantage of, there is a pool and fitness centre!

Visit the hotel website to see their accessible amenities

The hotel has limited accessible rooms so if an accessible room is required, we would recommend you book your room as soon as possible.

Please note - there are other hotels in close proximity to the venue, however these are difficult to access on foot as it involves crossing a busy dual carriageway.  We would recommend where possible, staying at the conference venue, to save on taxi costs.

Other Local Hotels

There are 2 other hotels close by.

Holiday Inn Coventry

Located 0.6m miles from the venue. This hotel has 4 accessible rooms
To book visit their website

Premier Inn Coventry East

Located 0.6miles from the venue. This hotel has 2 accessible rooms
To book visit their website.  The hotel also has an onsite restaurant.

Further information

To make your booking you will need an account for the Tpas website - if your organisation is a Tpas member and you don't already have an account, seach for the organisation here.

If you have any issues with booking your conference place, please email

If you have any other questions or need further information about the conference, please call Jordan Walker on 0161 871 8521 or email

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in becoming a conference sponsor, please refer to our conference sponsorship opportunities document here

Our Event sponsors



Wed 10th Jul 2024, 10:00am - Thu 11th Jul 2024, 4:00pm

Venue Details

Double Tree Hilton Coventry

Paradise Way, Walsgrave Triangle,, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV2 2ST


2 Day Delegate Rate Early Bird (book by 7th May)
Membership Staff Tenant
Members £375.00 £375.00
Non-Members £495.00 £495.00
2 Day Delegate (book from 8th May)
Membership Staff Tenant
Members £485.00 £485.00
Non-Members £635.00 £635.00

Event Contact

Name: Jordan Walker


Phone: 0161 871 8521

Book Tickets

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