September Scrutiny Club

Wednesday 30th of August 2023

It's not to late to sign up to attend this September's Scrutiny Club. The Club meets quarterly and is a great opportunity for tenants involved in scrutiny to hear from guest speakers, share good practice, and network with fellow scrutineers. This month is a Scrutiny Club Special, details of the session and how to register are below.


A National Scrutiny Club Special!

We are excited to welcome to the next Scrutiny Club, Annie Owens from the National Housing Federation who is current working on a recommendation from the Better Social Housing Review that calls for Landlords to develop a better understanding of the housing stock under their care and the people who live in those houses.

Annie will outline the Federations thinking so far and seek your views on what should be in the action. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to help influence the future of national housing policy.

The session will be facilitated by Caritas Charles.

We look forward to seeing you there.
Sign up here