Slides from our 'Future Trends in Engagement' webinar delivered to Tpas members
Tuesday 26th of March 2019

Rae Watson, Tpas Communications manager discusses todays 'Future Trends in Engagement' webinar delivered to Tpas members.
“Trends without purpose are pointless” was the first slide that Louise Thompson, our Head of Business Services started with. And she’s right.
Those that know me, know that I love gadgets and gizmos. If it’s new or talked about, shiny or innovative then I’m fascinated by it. It’s easy to be lured into the latest thinking. But actually we need to remember the why. Why are we considering moving everything digital? Why are we thinking about creating an app? Why are we creating a video and why are we wanting to start up a snapchat account?
From starting at this point Louise gave us a whistle stop tour of some emerging trends in engagement. She also introduced concepts that are being explored in other sectors and how they could be applied to social housing.
If you’re a member you can login and download the slides here.