Tpas and PlaceShapers Net Zero Week
Monday 13th of September 2021

Join us for a week of virtual events to find the answers to our sustainability and Net Zero challenges, looking at how residents and landlords can help the planet together.
Following the report from Tpas and PlaceShapers, Residents’ voices in the UK’s Net Zero Carbon journey, it became clear we all needed to work further together on discussing the potential concerns and issues directly from residents and how we can do more together to help organisations on their decarbonising journey.
Net Zero refers to achieving a balance between the amount of Greenhouse Gas emissions produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere.
A perfect example is that in a recent survey nearly two-thirds of social housing residents have never heard of ‘net zero’, a survey has found. Tackling climate change needs to be a shared goal for landlords, residents and other stakeholders if we are to stand any chance of succeeding. We’ve all got a part to play.
We know there is lots to do in raising awareness about the challenges, the technologies and the practicalities. This week will start to do that. During this week we’ll showcase residents, housing professionals and sector experts as they seek to explore all the possible actions we can take to meet the Net Zero agenda. We will hear some examples of what’s gone well so far for those who have started on this journey. And what’s not gone so well. By sharing our experiences we can learn and improve our actions together.
Register here for more info on the programme when we launch it in the next few days.