accreditation comparison page

Tpas Accreditations and Quality Marks are here to help you drive your business forward and shape your services to meet the needs of tenants and customers.



As a landlord, contractor or supplier, this is your opportunity to demonstrate assurance and gain validation that your company or organisation are delivering excellence in tenant and community engagement.

If you are looking to become accredited to recognise your personal high standards of knowledge, experience and development then explore our accredited training here.


Quality Mark



Supplier and Sub Supplier

Pro Landlord accreditation

Contractor Accreditation

DLO Accreditation

What is it

Measure your standard.

By working with us to meet our Quality Mark you can exceed the meeting regulatory expectations and be more accountable and attractive to your leasehold customers.



Get noticed

Achieving the Tpas Quality Mark will enable you to demonstrate your credibility, professionalism and commitment to resident engagement and involvement. Many major clients will recognise the Tpas Quality Mark as an assurance of customer care excellence.





Enhance your organisation’s reputation with our independent and impartial Accreditation

Guided by our team of experts you will be assessed against the Tpas nationally recognised standards and then accredited for delivering the highest levels of engagement and involvement that achieves positive outcomes. For your tenants and your communities.



Get the competitive advantage

Tpas offer the only independent evidence-based accreditation scheme that assesses your resident involvement arrangements. Many major clients will recognise your accreditation certificate as confirmation of your competency, credibility and commitment to achieving brilliant tenant involvement standards.


Who is it for?