Guest Blog: Our Tpas accrediation experience
Wednesday 3rd of August 2016

In front of a dedicated group of residents and staff, Chair of the Board Elaine Pellow was presented with a very special award and certificate which has been a real labour or love for all residents and staff involved.
A project that has been three years in the making – involved hundreds of residents and staff and has touched on every level of the organisation was rewarded with our accreditation in Resident Involvement from Tpas.
As a resident, being involved allows you to help PCH to make improvements and a positive difference to the services that you and your neighbours receive. You may want to get involved without going to meetings or giving up a lot of your time. We understand this, so we’ve come up with different ways that you could get involved and have your say in our Resident Involvement Menu.
This accreditation means that we have passed strict guidelines that ensure we meet national standards, demonstrate value for money, and confirm the impact, outcomes and more importantly, the value of our approach to Resident Involvement. This accreditation does not mean we are standing still though. It is a 3 year accreditation, which means that we will continue to work to improve our resident involvement options throughout that time.
Elaine Pellow, Chair of the PCH Board said: “I was really pleased to be accepting the official recognition of becoming a TPAS accredited landlord. It’s a great testimony to the hard work that the tenants and staff have put into making our Resident Involvement Strategy the success we are celebrating today. The Board remains determined that despite the challenges we face as an organisation PCH retains that strong focus on our customers, and this accreditation speaks volumes of the value we put on having residents at the core of everything we do here.”