Scrutiny Week 2023 - Everything you missed

Wednesday 11th of October 2023

Scrutiny Week 2023 has come to a close.  Here's everything you missed! 


During Scrutiny Week we shine a spotlight on the success of resident/tenant/customer led scrutiny, as well as creating spaces for scrutiny learning, sharing and networking.

We ran free digital online workshops, meet-ups and networking sessions throughout the week, and also held our in-person Tpas Scrutiny Conference as part of Scrutiny Week too.


Members can watch back the recordings from any of our online Scrutiny Week sessions here


This year during Scrutiny Week we also launched our newly-updated 'The Tpas Essential Guide to Tenant Led Scrutiny'.

Members can download the document here


During Scrutiny Week, organisations up and down the country shared the work they do in Scrutiny and their tips and successes using the hashtag #ScrutinyWeek.



During Scrutiny Week, we also held our ever-popular National Tenant Scrutiny Conference for the third year running. 

We're proud to say that we host the only national conference dedicated to Tenant/Resident/Customer-led scrutiny in the country. This year's conference welcomed over 140 delegates from around the country, to learn from experienced scrutiny practitioners, leading speakers, and workshop leaders.



Topics covered at this year's conference included; skills for scrutiny, engaging young people in scrutiny, the value of scrutiny, the impact of bad culture, and so much more. 


One of our workshop facilitators, Michael Hill, Tpas National Consultancy Manager, has written this blog with the thoughts and findings from his workshop at this year's conference.


At the conference this year, Tpas had the opportunity to interview delegates, and get their views on why scrutiny is important, and get their top tips for scrutiny. 

Why is Scrutiny important?:

Top Tips for Scrutiny: