
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 articles.

Trends in how landlords are meeting the regulatory requirements

Tuesday 17th of May 2016

Delivering the accreditation puts us in a unique position of working with residents, staff and Board members to understand how they can support improvement and drive a customer care culture further forward in their organisation.

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports

When a plan comes together

Friday 13th of May 2016

Tpas consultancy manager, Gill Mclaren shares her congratulations to two clients who have won at a prestigious awards.

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports

Policy Blog: Challenge and change

Wednesday 4th of May 2016

Our policy advisor, Abi Davies, gives her opinion on what we should expect next from the lords

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Tenant Engagement , Customer Insight, Scrutiny & Co-regulation, Community Engagement, Measuring Value

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