
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 articles.

Tpas response to Green Paper announcement

Wednesday 27th of September 2017

Tpas Chief Executive, Jenny Osbourne talks about the new Green Paper and what it means for tenant and community engagement.

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"There are alternative service delivery models out there and we should continuously explore what's best for our customers"

Thursday 14th of September 2017

"There are alternative service delivery models out there and we should continuously explore what's best for our customers" says by Peter Walters, Executive Advisor (formally Chief Executive) of VIVID.

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A book of tenant voices

Friday 1st of September 2017

We are a small team of past and present OU Students seeking contributions for a book. We are hoping to collect stories, essays, poems, and pictures from people who have lived or are currently living in Social Housing with the view to publishing in the New Year

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