
Showing 1 to 5 of 7 articles.


Tpas goes international - talking engagement in New York City

Thursday 30th of May 2019

Tpas Chief Executive, Jenny Obsourne blogs about her experience of being invited to speak at a New York housing conference. 

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Community Investment; Meeting your target but missing the point?

Wednesday 29th of May 2019

High impact community-based practice only works when it's led and driven by communities themselves. Sustaining the impact is much more tricky. Our new associate, Pete Davies talks through the insights that a new member research project has thrown up.

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Reporting back from the Community Investment conference

Friday 24th of May 2019

On 21st May we sent our Business Development Manager, Michael Hill to represent Tpas at the first Community Investment Conference hosted by HACT’s Centre for Excellence in Community Investment (CICE).

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Bringing Diversity Home - Life Swap Model

Thursday 16th of May 2019

Darren Wilson from Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing talks about the Bringing Diversity Home event brought to them by Tpas and Home Group.

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Topics: Tenant Engagement , Community Engagement, Tenant Panels / Associations


A room full of planners, architects and developers

Wednesday 15th of May 2019

Tpas business development manager, Michael Hill blogs about his experience delivering a session on resident engagement session at a housing forum event.

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