7 Hot Engagement Trends 2018
Thursday 11th of January 2018

Regardless of whether you’re a diehard tech fanatic, always after the latest devices, or someone who prefers a more traditional route of engaging with their landlord or tenant, Tpas are always looking forward to the tech developments and trends that lie ahead.
In 2017 we developed the Tpas National Engagement Standards based on sound principles of good engagement, regardless of technology or technique. These principles, we hope, will stand the test of time and we’re happy that they’ve been widely embraced by the sector. Our focus in 2018 will very much be about continuing to help landlords and tenants use the standards to help raise the quality of engagement across the country.
But, we wanted to explore what possible new trends could unfold in 2018 that could help make delivering these standards a little easier, or better or smarter.
So, here’s our perspective on some new technologies and trends that we’re familiar with that can help you better communicate and connect with each other.