Housing Ombudsman news
Wednesday 14th of November 2018

Here is some of the latest news from the Housing Ombudsman..
Ombudsman launches consultation on three year corporate plan
The Housing Ombudsman have launched a consultation seeking views on their three year corporate plan, 2019-22, and supporting plan for the first year.
The consultation document sets out an ambitious programme over the three years to fulfil four new strategic objectives. It includes an increased focus on supporting local resolution, more activities to improve complaint handling across the sector, continuing to drive down our own investigation case times together with a more transparent and accessible service.
The consultation is available online and is open until 10 December 2018.
Visit their website for more information
Social Housing Green paper
The Housing Ombudsman response drew on the evidence that they see through complaints and, together with their three year corporate plan, seeks to strengthen the role as Ombudsman to improve accessibility and allow faster redress on individual complaints, and to improve complaint handling and housing services more widely.
It stated their strong support for the removal of the designated persons role to streamline access to their service. This will ensure that social housing residents are not disadvantaged and that, in common with complainants in nearly every other sector, they have unrestricted access to an Ombudsman.
View their full response here:
Complaints Workshops
Tpas and the Housing Ombudsman have teamed up to deliver a series of events on complaints - aimed at tenants and staff, board members and Councillors.
Click here for more information.
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