Welcome to our new members
Monday 14th of January 2019

We are delighted to welcome the following 2 Landlords as Tpas members...
Dudley MBC
Brent Council
It's great to have them on board and we are looking forward to working with their staff and tenants during 2019.
Here's whey they joined.
Kim Avantaggiato, Participation Development Team - Dudley MBC
We are keen to explore what Tpas has to offer, especially around the regional networking events. We felt that being members of Tpas at this time would help ensure we stay up-to-date with innovative methods of engagement which are showcased on the hub. We are also looking to modernise our involvement and engagement strategy and believe that the membership resources will help us ensure we are delivering a tenant focused approach.
Christina Byrne, Community Engagement & Partnerships Manager - Brent Council
We are delighted to re-join Tpas again as members. Resident engagement and involvement is rapidly changing and Brent want to continue to be part of any current and future best practice in order that our residents can be part of this journey. Tpas we felt was the organisation that we wanted to part of along with sharing good practice as it has an array of many key documents, including a resource directory that will assist a number of our involved residents. We will continue to work closely with Tpas and are keen to be part of any engagement conversations and very much look forward to meeting many other Tpas members at future events.
If you'd like any information on membership please email lisa.holt@tpas.org.uk