Working Together to Improve Community Engagement and Resident Satisfaction in a Housing Redevelopment Project
Thursday 9th of January 2025

The Lewisham Park Tower project is a major renovation and fire safety upgrade undertaken by Housing Association L&Q Lewisham Park Tower.
The scope of the project includes:
• Window replacement
• Structural repairs to the façade
• Roof replacement
• Extension to boiler flues
• Extractor fans upgrade in kitchens and bathrooms
• Installation of new soil vent pipes on the building exteriors and,
• External wall insulation
Axis, the primary contractor, recognised the works are highly disruptive. The residents had already experienced four years of disruption during the first phase of the project which involved the installation of fire stopping and sprinkler systems.
With that in mind Axis’ main priority has been to minimise disruption and ensure the residents’ needs have been considered every step of the way. The aim, to make residents experience as stress-free as possible. With such a large and disruptive programme of work, key objectives have included, improving the safety and living conditions for residents, while also building trust and engagement with the community.
The project placed strong focus on social value, with the creation of a community hub, activity programs, and dedicated resident liaison officers to support the needs of the diverse tenant population.
Challenges and Approach: From the outset the project team adopted a community focused and empathetic approach. A project of this size was inevitably disruptive and noisy for residents. The approach taken by Axis has placed residents at the centre of thinking and action. Some key steps taken by the project team included:
Engaging the Residents: Building trust and good rapport with residents was a priority for Axis to ensure success of the project. The team started by listening to the concerns raised by residents. From there where possible, immediate action was taken to complete straightforward or outstanding work. Axis assigned a dedicated Senior Resident Liaison Officer (RLO) to each block to ensure close communication and support throughout the project.
Ahead of starting the work on site, Axis launched their approach to engagement with residents, factoring in time to build rapport and relationships with residents. This also enabled sharing of detailed information about the work ahead and time to discuss this with residents.
In the early phases of the project, the RLOs completed in person visits to each property and completed a demographic survey. The purpose was to gather insights into the unique needs and circumstances of each household. Understanding these specific requirements allowed Axis to plan their works more effectively, with a strong emphasis on minimising inconvenience to residents.
Axis appointed a worker from a charity to support engagement with residents. This included establishing activity sessions for residents, which increased footfall to the community hub which had been established. The team focused on addressing the needs of residents, speaking about physical and mental health, focusing on upskilling and engaging older residents in gentle exercise.
Adjusting the Work Schedule: Having listened to residents and heard of the impact disruption was causing, the team agreed that no work would start on site before 9 am to minimize noise as far as possible. Clear and regular reminders were issued to the construction workers to be mindful of their noise and the impact this had for residents living in the building. Clear site expectations were shared and made available on a public website.
To make it easier to identify the different trades people on site, contractors wore different coloured hi-vis vests featuring numbers on their back, so they were easily identifiable if a resident needed to reference one of them. This was a suggestion which came from residents who had found it hard to identify staff by an ID badge alone.
Employing a Community-Focused Resident Liaison Officer (RLO): With focus on the resident relationship during the works, an experienced team of Resident Liaison Officers (RLO) were engaged in the project and work in each building.
At the outset, it was the Senior RLOs who went door to door, to meet residents and complete the surveying. This built insight on their needs and developed understanding on what would support them most during the project. Having identified a need for a central community facility, Axis recruited an additional, dedicated, RLO whose responsibility is to run and manage the Hub. The new colleague had direct and extensive experience of managing a similar community facility and coordinating activities.
The programme of events and activity being run by the RLO has been directly informed by residents. With focus on social value, during the summer this included trips outside of London to the coast and to a farm. Axis and the RLOs had plans for a Christmas event for residents where they presented each person with a card and gift by Axis’ Managing Director.
The team has a wealth of experience engaging with communities. Their role focuses on engaging residents through various activities in the Residents' Hub, fostering a sense of community and making everyone feel valued and welcome.
Establishing a Community Hub: Axis established a community hub which has become central feature of the effective engagement with residents. The RLO has developed a comprehensive program of activities designed to encourage residents to visit the Hub more often, thereby increasing footfall and creating a warm, inclusive atmosphere. The activities are thoughtfully curated to offer residents a positive outlet and help take their minds off the disruptive construction work happening outside their homes.
Axis Women in Construction Group held an event at Lewisham Park Towers, which drew enthusiastic participation. Residents engaged in discussions, sought tips, explored opportunities within Axis, while the Axis team shared their industry experiences and personal journeys within the company. By providing engaging opportunities—from creative sewing and knitting classes, yoga classes, music sessions to social events, the RLO is making the Hub a vibrant community space where everyone feels connected and supported during this challenging period.
Offices for residents to work in, were made available, having identified (through the survey) that many residents work from home. The offices, including free Wi-Fi, screens and desk space sit above the community Hub. Residents have expressed their satisfaction and enjoyment at having access to this community space and events. As part of their community investment, Axis will renovate the tower buildings old community room.
In early 2025 Axis will be engaging with residents to inform the planning and design of the new space. Additionally, Axis will be bringing residents together with an architect to design new outside spaces, once the construction work is finished. This will ensure there is a legacy following this positive period of community engagement.
Improving Communication and Transparency: As with any successful project, communication was understood to be critical. Axis have approached the project with genuine care and consideration of the residents, to this extent honest and open communication has been essential. To build on this the team have focused on a multi-channel communication approach.
This is set out in a video and key actions included:
• A dedicated website for the project which residents can access
• Recognising the need for inclusivity, sign language translators were brought in for key events and meetings when required. This practice was particularly impactful during weekly and monthly events where direct interaction with residents was critical
• An events schedule has been established up to June 2025 giving all residents a clear roadmap of what to expect
• Bi-monthly meetings, held in the evening, served as key touchpoints for providing updates on upcoming activities and any changes to previously set plans. The meetings also encouraged an open forum with residents and created an opportunity to share ideas, raise questions, and discuss improvements, fostering a collaborative environment
• A dedicated approach to messaging was set up to provide personal, real-time text updates to residents. This allowed residents to be kept informed of any schedule changes, last-minute updates, or personal notifications. This approach ensured that important information was never missed and allowed for quick action or adjustments when needed
• Another way of communication with the residents is through delivery of monthly newsletters with progress updates and important information
• Leaflets with key information throughout the project (windows FAQ, extractor fans, etc) have been sent to residents to provide them with more information and answer any queries they may have.
The approach to communication is dynamic, enabling a regular and timely flow of information to residents. This has resulted in high levels of engagement and sustained low levels of complaints. Highlighting the value of great communication.
Best Practice can this be linked to Contractor Engagement Standards, and in time a best practice table from Accreds and Best practice. Axis have been able to evidence:
Encouragement of Engagement through provision of resources and facilitation of events, information sharing and activities with residents.
Axis have gathered insight in relation to the residents they’re working with to inform the approaches they’re taking in the project.
Axis have provided timely and relevant information to residents regarding the work being undertaken in their home and the progress of the project.
A multi-channel approach to communication has been used to provide information to residents in a range of methods. There is a clear and dedicated website for residents, in relation to the project.
There are clear points of contact for residents in the Axis team.
A variety of translation and accessibility services have been made available for residents.
Here are some quotes from residents:
“Noise has been reduced”
“I’m impressed”
“Looks fantastic”
“Communication from everyone has been fantastic and the windows look lovely”
“Absolutely awesome service”
“Very punctual”
“Very respectful, considerate and efficient”
There is a dedicated website for the project:
You can also watch the YouTube Christmas video here.