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Showing 1 to 5 of 7 articles.
Tpas North Awards: Top 10 tips for tenant engagement
Wednesday 19th of April 2017
We asked our Northern awards finalists to share their top ten tips for engaging with tenants.

Homes in Sedgemoor Scoop Prestigious Awards!
Wednesday 19th of April 2017
After presenting their entries to a panel of experienced independent business experts at the UK Complaints Handling Awards 2107 in London on 23 February, Homes in Sedgemoor were announced as overall winners of the UK Complaint Handling Business Award, winners of the Internal Communication Excellence & Effectiveness Award and received silver in the Pro-active Complaint Handling Award.
Topics: Customer Insight
It’s time to create your Tpas membership account
Wednesday 19th of April 2017
If you’ve not already done so, it’s time to make sure you have a Tpas membership online account.
Coast & Country announces third extra care development.
Monday 10th of April 2017
The Cliffs in Brotton will provide 25 bungalows with care and support delivered to meet a range of needs, to enable people to retain their independence for longer.

Tpas Awards North Region Official Shortlist and Winners 2017
Monday 10th of April 2017
The full Tpas Awards North Region Official Shortlist and Winners 2017