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Covering every aspect of national tenant engagement news, opinion and activities, this is your place to keep pace with our member news, latest housing sector news and our opinion pieces.
Showing 1 to 5 of 9 articles.

Tpas conference website down
Thursday 29th of March 2018
The National Tenant Conference website is temporarily down. Here's what to do..
A tough challenge: Developing one vision with 140 people!
Wednesday 21st of March 2018
We asked Carole Richardson, Director of People and Culture at North Star Housing Group to tell us more about agreeing goals with over 140 people.
Tpas Awards Central and Northern Winners 2018
Monday 19th of March 2018
The winners for the Southern and Northern regions have been announced.
Do you have an interest in smoking and housing?
Monday 12th of March 2018
Action on Smoking and Health are currently setting up a working group looking into methods to reduce the harms from smoking in the home.
My delegate experience: Sally Booth
Monday 12th of March 2018
We asked Sally Booth, Community Connections Officer at Cross Keys Homes to tell us about her experience of being at our Engaging Communities Conference.