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Covering every aspect of national tenant engagement news, opinion and activities, this is your place to keep pace with our member news, latest housing sector news and our opinion pieces.
Showing 6 to 9 of 9 articles.
National Scrutiny Week report
Wednesday 14th of October 2020
The National Scrutiny Week was a chance for tenants and landlords to celebrate the impact of working in partnership to scrutinise services. Read all about it with our new report.
International Tenants’ Day 2020
Tuesday 6th of October 2020
International Tenants’ Day took place on 5th October, 2020 - this year’s theme was 'Housing for all – a better urban future'
Abri - the new name for the partnership between Yarlington and Radian
Tuesday 6th of October 2020
Following the merger of Radian and Yarlington Housing Association, the organisation is now called Abri - read about their future plans and corporate strategy.
Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports
Important news for Tpas members and clients
Thursday 1st of October 2020
Tpas are currently experiencing connectivity issues which has meant we haven't been able to access emails throughout the course of today. As of this moment, this is unfortunately will carry over to tomorrow morning.
Topics: Tpas Products and Services