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Showing 1 to 5 of 6 articles.

Tpas respond to consultation on reforms to social housing allocations

Wednesday 31st of January 2024

We would urge all our members to read carefully the consultation and proposals that have been shared today. 
Read our response to the government’s announcements.

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Topics: Regulation & Standards

It’s not just us that struggles with diversity and representation!

Tuesday 30th of January 2024

The big topic at the January Tpas meetup for LA and ALMO staff was diversity and representation – and the big takeaway was that everyone is in the same boat – working to make a difference but finding it hard.

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Topics: Tenant Engagement , Member Forums, Membership Materials


Altair Release 3rd Learning Report : Landlord Perspectives On Flooring Standards

Friday 26th of January 2024

This is the third and final learning report exploring the provision of floor coverings in social housing. Altair is carrying out a research piece, sponsored by Longleigh which investigates the impact of and opportunities for social housing providers’ flooring standards.

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports

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Jenny Osbourne, CEO of Tpas was a panellist at Women of Influence - WISH Event

Thursday 25th of January 2024

Last week Jenny spoke on a panel at a session called “Women of Influence - Enabling Women tenants to shape Boardrooms”. This was a joint event hosted by Women in Social Housing (WISH) London and Women’s Housing Forum, both great membership organisations that Tpas are part of and support.

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Housemark: ALMOs outperformed local authorities on all Tenant Satisfactions Measures

Friday 19th of January 2024

The National Federation of ALMOs (NFA) commissioned independent data and insight specialists Housemark to carry out a review of members’ performance against the TSMs,

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Press release, Tenant Satisfaction Measures

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