Tpas shares their thoughts on the passing of Paul Dockerill

Monday 14th of November 2022

Paul Dockerill, Director of Energy and Programme Manager at Walsall Housing, passed away suddenly this week. All of us at Tpas want to offer our condolences to Paul’s family and friends primarily but also to his work colleagues who will be undoubtedly miss his presence.

Whenever someone passes away it inevitably leaves their family and close friends with a gaping hole in their lives. Families pull together and remember the good times whilst providing comfort for each other.

When it is in a work environment it can feel a little odd to feel that level of sadness, but when the person that is no longer here has made an impression, quite rightly we should celebrate and mourn in the same way.

Here at Tpas, we had a really positive relationship with Paul. Over the last few years he has shown a tremendous energy and commitment for meaningful collaboration with the residents he worked with.

Paul was an advocate for the cultural changes needed in the sector that had been so publicly exposed by the Grenfell Tower fire and showed great leadership, within his own organisation and on the national stage, to move this agenda forward.

Paul partnered with Tpas staff on several panel sessions discussing the changes that needed to be made within the social housing sector and never shied away from making the points that needed to be made.

He also put his support of meaningful resident engagement to the test by not only providing a foreword to our Contractor Resident Engagement Standards, but by placing those standards for engagement within his own asset management procurement process.

We will miss him. We will miss his enthusiasm, collaboration and his counsel. Thank you Paul for your demonstration of what good leadership looks like. The sector needs more people like you. Rest in Peace.