Members' news
Showing 6 to 10 of 291 articles.
Introducing our Six Minute Engagement Essentials: A Brand New Tpas Member Benefit!
Tuesday 3rd of September 2024
We’re delighted to launch our new and free member benefit. This quick, yet comprehensive training video around tenant engagement will help you to gain a valuable insight into better engagement.
Topics: Tenant Engagement , Digital Engagement, Membership Materials, Tpas Products and Services, Engagement
Ombudsman shares learning from severe maladministration on windows
Friday 16th of August 2024
Following on from the Ombudsman's open letter to Chief Executives on the issue, the Housing Ombudsman has released its latest learning from severe maladministration report (PDF) looking at how landlords have responded to windows complaints.

'Repairing Trust' - Call for Evidence Survey
Thursday 1st of August 2024
The Housing Ombudsman is exploring common issues in housing maintenance, following a significant rise in complaints about disrepair. This ‘Call for Evidence’ will help them to understand how increasing repairs costs, complaints and skill shortages are impacting residents' safety in their homes.
The 'Repairing Trust' report will highlight some of the positive changes landlords have made to rise to the maintenance challenge and explore the complex relationships between landlords, contractors, and residents, with a particular focus on accountability, roles, and responsibilities.
Consumer Regulation Review
Wednesday 17th of July 2024
The annual consumer regulation review explains how the Regulator of Social Housing has gone about implementing the legislation on consumer regulation. It includes case studies and lessons learned.

Two Regional Events - One Voice
Thursday 30th of May 2024
Our Policy and Insight Manager, Caritas Charles, recently had the immense pleasure of Chairing not one, but two Tpas regional conferences. Here are our top 5 takeaways from the east and western regional events.