Eastern members forum. Luton

Join us at our exclusive members only forum

These events are held around the country and are a great way for our members to meet up and share best practice, new ideas and make new connections across the region.

Our next Eastern event will be held in Luton on Tuesday 13th March 2018.

This event is kindly co-hosted by our member Luton BC.

The meeting will start at 11.00 and finish by 3pm.

Join us for a brew and a biscuit from 10.30am.

If you need further information, please email lisa.holt@tpas.org.uk


Tue 13th Mar 2018, 10:30am - 3:00pm

Venue Details

Tokko Limited

7 Gordon Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2QP


Members Forum
Membership Staff Tenant
This event is members only.

Event Contact

Name: Lisa Holt

Email: lisa.holt@tpas.org.uk

Phone: 0161 868 3500

Book Tickets

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