Members' news
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 articles.
Achieving Exemplar Accreditation was a massive learning curve for the team in Hull
Monday 15th of April 2019
Phew…. We did it! I have to admit, when I began the application for Exemplar Accreditation I felt as though I’d started running an extreme marathon in a heat wave. It was tough…… but quite rightly so.
Providers join forces and look ahead
Monday 15th of April 2019
Representatives from ten social housing providers operating across the Midlands and the North of England have come together to discuss the future of social housing.

Welcome to our new members
Wednesday 3rd of April 2019
We're delighted to welcome 6 new Landlord members to the Tpas family.

Nottingham City Homes awards outstanding residents
Wednesday 3rd of April 2019
On the 21 March 2019 NCH celebrated the fantastic work that their residents and community groups do in their neighbourhoods at their Tenant and Leaseholder Awards.
Topics: Volunteering