Members' news
Showing 1 to 5 of 9 articles.

The Princess Royal Opens New Housing Scheme with a "Happy Community Atmosphere"
Wednesday 26th of February 2020
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal officially opened Ashford Borough Council’s new £7.5m Danemore sheltered housing scheme in Tenterden on Wednesday 12 February.
L&Q Residents Exhibit their Art Skills at London Gallery
Monday 24th of February 2020
L&Q residents who were given free art lessons in their homes are delighted that their work is now being exhibited in a trendy London gallery HOXTON 253.

Greenbank Residents get Involved with Westward's Pilot Project
Monday 17th of February 2020
Last year Westward Housing Group launched a pilot consultation neighbourhood improvement project for two of their estates.

Online Group Proving Positive with Residents at West Kent
Saturday 15th of February 2020
West Kent Housing Association recently launched an online discussion group for residents, so they can get involved and help improve services, from the comfort of their own homes.

ROCA Relaunch for First Choice Homes
Friday 14th of February 2020
First Choice Homes’ popular Respect Our Community Awards (ROCA) funding has relaunched for 2020, meaning monetary grants are available for Oldham-based community groups.