Members' news
Showing 251 to 255 of 290 articles.
Sovini Group receive two Tpas Re-accreditations
Thursday 27th of October 2016
On Wednesday 26th October, Jenny Osbourne presented One Vision Housing with Tpas Landlord Re-accreditation in Resident Involvement and Sovini Property Services with Tpas Contractor Re-accreditation in Resident Involvement, both for a further 3 years.
Did you miss our Southern regional forum? Catch up on what happened here...
Monday 17th of October 2016
Our Southern Regional Forum took place in Oxford on a sunny October afternoon. We had a great meeting with 37 members attending the forum from 13 different housing providers which included tenants and officers.
Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Tenant Engagement , Customer Insight, Scrutiny & Co-regulation, Community Engagement, Measuring Value
Catch up on what happened at our South West regional forum
Monday 10th of October 2016
Our South West regional forum took place in Tiverton, Devon on on Monday 3rd October - it was a great event with 36 attendees from across the region learning and sharing with each other.
Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Tenant Engagement , Customer Insight
What happened at our North West regional forum
Tuesday 4th of October 2016
Our North West regional forum took place in Runcorn on 26th September - It was a fabulous afternoon with a record breaking 52 attendees from across our members in the North West.
Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Tenant Engagement , Customer Insight
What happened at our North East regional forum
Wednesday 28th of September 2016
Our regional forum took place in Hull on 20th September, It was a great event with a amazing turn out of members - 49 attendees, including a mix of officers and tenants from across 15 different organisations in the North East region.
Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Tenant Engagement