News and views
Covering every aspect of national tenant engagement news, opinion and activities, this is your place to keep pace with our member news, latest housing sector news and our opinion pieces.
Showing 851 to 855 of 871 articles.
Cross Keys Homes resident board
Monday 29th of February 2016
Piece by Kate Newbolt on how tenants have real influence.
Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Scrutiny & Co-regulation, Measuring Value
Introducing Chris Graham
Monday 29th of February 2016
Get to know more about our new board member
Join the Tpas board of directors
Friday 26th of February 2016
We have a vacancy for a tenant representative
Meet the new Tpas brand identity
Tuesday 23rd of February 2016
Today we’re introducing a new look and feel. But, it’s more than just a logo change and a set of new colours.
CEO speech to AGM
Thursday 18th of February 2016
At the TPAS AGM on the 8th February Jenny Osbourne delivered a speech to members: Looking back, Looking Forward It discussed the achievements TPAS have made over 2015 and looked ahead to the developments TPAS members can expect in 2016.