News and views
Covering every aspect of national tenant engagement news, opinion and activities, this is your place to keep pace with our member news, latest housing sector news and our opinion pieces.
Showing 856 to 860 of 871 articles.
Finding a way together
Thursday 18th of February 2016
A piece by our Consultancy Manager Emma-Jane Flynn on working collaboratively.
Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Tenant Engagement , Customer Insight
Tpas welcomes new board members
Wednesday 17th of February 2016
We have successfully recruited 3 new members to our Board of Directors
Osborne Property Services join Tpas
Wednesday 17th of February 2016
Read about our latest member
Tpas office move
Tuesday 16th of February 2016
Please note TPAS will be moving office on Friday 19th February and we will have no access to emails or telephones - our aim is to back up and running as normal on Monday morning.
Tpas North West regional meeting
Wednesday 10th of February 2016
Join us in Preston on 18th April