
Showing 6 to 10 of 215 articles.

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Have A Seat At The Table

Monday 5th of February 2024

In this blog, Kai Jackson, an associate at tenant engagement experts Tpas, discusses a new study designed to understand the barriers faced by people from ethnic minority backgrounds. The study aims to promote fair and inclusive services, exploring ways to improve the participation of tenants from ethnic minority backgrounds in landlords' influencing structures for a more representative and diverse community.

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It’s not just us that struggles with diversity and representation!

Tuesday 30th of January 2024

The big topic at the January Tpas meetup for LA and ALMO staff was diversity and representation – and the big takeaway was that everyone is in the same boat – working to make a difference but finding it hard.

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Topics: Tenant Engagement , Member Forums, Membership Materials

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Jenny Osbourne, CEO of Tpas was a panellist at Women of Influence - WISH Event

Thursday 25th of January 2024

Last week Jenny spoke on a panel at a session called “Women of Influence - Enabling Women tenants to shape Boardrooms”. This was a joint event hosted by Women in Social Housing (WISH) London and Women’s Housing Forum, both great membership organisations that Tpas are part of and support.

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Growing Buddies – an engagement tool kit for housing associations and their tenants

Tuesday 5th of December 2023

Their Growing Buddy programmes can deliver measurable and positive impacts on tenants’ health and wellbeing, their environment and overall satisfaction level

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Topics: Tenant Engagement , Community Engagement, Communities

Housing Diversity Network (HDN) Autumn Conference 2023: Breaking Barriers

Wednesday 15th of November 2023

On Monday 6th November 2023, Tpas Associate and Tenant, Kai Jackson, attended the Housing Diversity Network (HDN) Autumn Conference 2023: Breaking Barriers.

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