"Require "affordable" housing to be set at local average earnings rates".

We asked Tenant, John Townend to tell us what he would do if he were in charge of housing across the country. Here is his manifesto.

  1. Require "affordable" housing to be set at local average earnings rates.
  2. End land-banking, tougher rules for developers
  3. Require LAs to utilise compulsory purchase for unused land that has been dormant for three years or more.
  4. Scrap RTB for local authorities instantly
  5. HAs to utilise own resources to finance their own RTB programme otherwise scrap RTB totally.
  6. Scrap 1% rent cut instantly
  7. Remove cap on self-financing accounts for LAs
  8. Allow LAs to borrow at competitive rates
  9. Utilise modern construction of site, to speed up delivery of new homes.
  10. All developments to have 40% of affordable housing
  11. Bring private landlords under a regulator that has teeth and will use them.
  12. No rent increase for private sector to be above social sector rent increases.
  13. Remove fees from letting agents on applicants for housing, double charging here to Landlord/Tenant
  14. All key/security deposit fees to be kept in a secure and separate account
  15. Speed up local planning for new developments too time consuming process at present
  16. Section 106 receipts to be utilised for new acquisitions or developments only by LAs.
  17. Require HAs/LAs to utilise assets to purchase empty homes and bring up to standard where required.
  18. Increase Council Tax significantly for owners failing to rent, therefore allowing homes to stand vacant.
  19. Relax developments on green belt land and speed up appeal process

Where under "Localism" decision process allows development, no appeal to Secretary of State to refuse